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Avian Flu (HPAI-H5N1) Advisory from the State and What You Need to Know

Evidence suggests that HPAI is widespread in Massachusetts and is likely present even in areas where there has not been a confirmed positive case. Most human infections occur after close contact with infected poultry or their environments. Notably, none of these cases have mutated from human-to-human transmission. State Officials have provided Updated Guidance on Suspected Avian Flu Cases Reported Across MA.

Below are some other helpful tips:

  • Do not feed or allow your dog near waterfowl, such as ducks, geese, and swans, whether they are dead or alive.
  • If you encounter five or more dead birds, please use this simple online form to report them to the state.
  • The pickup of dead animals in the City of Cambridge is managed by the Department of Public Works through a SeeClickFix service request, email to theworks@cambridgema.gov, or call 617-349-4800 or by the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) at mass.parks@mass.gov or 617-626-1250 for state properties.
  • If you see any sick or unwell birds, please call Cambridge Animal Control at 617-349-4376. If you are at Fresh Pond, contact the Ranger at 508-562-7605.

Learn more about Pet Safety During Winter and Protection Against Bird Flu.

Page was posted on 2/6/2025 11:58 AM
Page was last modified on 2/10/2025 7:49 PM
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