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Veterinary Care & Pet Resources

A list of resources including 24-hour emergency veterinary clinics, low-cost vet services, spay/neuter programs, and pet food providers are listed below.

24-Hour Emergency Veterinary Care

  • Veterinary Emergency Group 
    357-359 Fresh Pond Pkwy
    Cambridge, MA 02138 
    Ph. 617-804-0103   

  • MSPCA- Angell West 
    293 2nd Ave 
    Waltham, MA 02451 
    Ph. 781-902-8400 

  • Angell Animal Medical Center 
    350 S. Huntington Ave. 
    Jamaica Plain, MA 02451 
    Ph. 617-522-7282 

  • BluePearl Pet Hospital 
    180 Bear Hill Rd. 
    Waltham, MA 02451 
    Ph. 781-684-8387 

Low-Cost Veterinary Care

Massachusetts Animal Coalition

Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Programs

Dog Training

Contact an ARL representative at (617) 426-9170 x166 regarding basic behavioral questions about your pet. 

Are You in Need of Pet Food?  Pick-Up Locations are Listed Below

  • CEOC Central Square 
    11 Inman Street, Cambridge MA 02139
    Tuesdays 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
    Thursdays 10 am – 2 p.m.

  • Salvation Army Food Pantry
    402 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA
    Mondays-Sunday 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. 

Temporary Pet Housing Initiative

Cambridge Animal Control does not offer temporary or foster care for animals. Are you a pet owner who is temporarily unable to care for your pet due to unexpected life circumstances? If so, the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) or MSPCA may be able to help. 

Rabies Clinics

Massachusetts law requires that owners of cats and dogs vaccinate their pets for rabies. Most veterinarians offer this service. Additionally, Cambridge Animal Commission sponsors an annual rabies clinic on the first or second Saturday of April.

Holiday Pet Safety Tips

Getting ready for the upcoming holiday season? Make sure your pets are ready, too, with these pet safety tips from the Mass Animal Fund.

animal commission photosanimal commission photosanimal commission photos

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