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Vice Mayor Marc McGovern

Councillor McGovern

Marc McGovern is a 5th generation Cantabrigian and father of four. He is serving his sixth term on the Cambridge City Council and second term as Vice Mayor. He previously served a term as Vice-Mayor and one as Mayor. He also served four terms on the Cambridge School Committee.

Coming from a long line of community activists, Vice Mayor McGovern grew up surrounded by people who taught him the importance of giving back to one’s community. During his time as a Cambridge elected official, Vice Mayor McGovern has earned a reputation as a level-headed, collaborative, problem solver who always puts the good of the city first.

Vice Mayor McGovern’s commitment to supporting others goes beyond his elected service. For 30 years, he has worked as a social worker with children and families who are faced with a variety of challenges. This experience has shaped his world view and his political agenda.

Vice Mayor McGovern’s work on the Council has focused on issues facing the most vulnerable members of the Cambridge community. He has been a leader in tackling issues like, income insecurity, affordable housing, homelessness, and hunger. He has been a leader on issues facing immigrants in our community and working to move Cambridge toward being the socially and economically just community it needs to be.

Vice Mayor McGovern is a believer in constituent services and makes himself available to help solve day to day issues facing residents as well as the larger issues facing our city. 


Marc C. McGovern
15 Pleasant Street #2
Cambridge, MA 02139
617 642-1731 (cell)
617 349-4280 (work)


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