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Paul F. Toner

Councilor Toner

Paul F. Toner is currently serving his second term as a City Councillor.  Paul is an accomplished leader who has dedicated his career to seeking collaborative, innovative solutions to improving government and public education. He is an experienced senior executive in education policy, association governance, board management, and labor and government relations.

Paul was elected to the Cambridge City Council in November 2021 and began serving on the council in January of 2022. He is also President of Cambridge Strategic Partnerships, providing consultant services locally and nationally to organizations seeking to improve public education and outcomes for students through creating partnerships among education stakeholders. Prior to being elected to the council he also served as the Senior Director for National Policy, Partnerships and the Northeast for Teach Plus where he works to engage and elevate the voices of teachers in local, state, and national education policy.

Paul started his career as a seventh- and eighth-grade social studies teacher at the Harrington Elementary School in Cambridge. In 2001 he was elected the president of the Cambridge Teachers Association. Paul went on to be elected vice president, then president of the 113,000 member Massachusetts Teachers Association (MTA) where he served from 2006 to 2014.

As leader of the MTA and CTA, he was a strong advocate for educators and students while working with district and state leaders to focus on improving student achievement through labor-management collaboration. During his tenure, he worked to make the union the voice of the education profession and an integral partner in shaping education policy and legislation. He also served in several leadership roles with the National Education Association working with other state presidents and national education leaders.

Paul has served on numerous local, state and national committees. He is an appointed member of the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education and the Education Commission of the States. He was a participant in Governor Patrick’s Readiness Project and served on Governor Baker’s Education Transition Committee. He is a past member of the Massachusetts Group Insurance Commission and the Board of Blue Cross Blue Shield – Massachusetts. Paul is an Aspen Pahara Teacher Fellow and graduate of the Broad Academy. He has represented US and MA educators in national discussions and on forums with education leaders representing a variety of views and practices across sectors.

Paul attended Somerville and Cambridge public elementary schools and graduated from Matignon High School before attending Boston University's College of Liberal Arts where he earned his Bachelor of Arts in political science and international relations. He holds a master’s degree in secondary education from the University of Massachusetts in Boston and a Juris Doctorate from Suffolk University Law School. Paul lives in Cambridge with his wife, Susan Connelly, and their children Grace and Jack.


Paul F. Toner
24 Newman Street
Cambridge, MA 02140

617-349-4280 (work)

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