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A bench and table in Fulmore Park

Street Sign and Bench Dedication Information

Cambridge Residents may apply for Street Sign, or Public Bench Memorial Dedications by request through a City Councillor. Requests for Memorial Dedications are entered by the sponsoring Councillor as policy orders and are subject to approval at a Regular Meeting of the City Council.

Once the Policy Order is approved by the Council, the sponsoring Councillor will submit an application to the Dedication Committee for review and recommendation. The Dedication Committee reviews the application to determine eligibility for a dedication, and if it is approved, the Assistant to the City Council will work with the resident making the request and Public Works to prepare and install the signage or bench plaque.


Applications are reviewed to determine whether the proposed honoree meets one of the following categories:

  • Significant contribution to Cambridge community as determined by Dedication Committee
    • A person who has been active in civic affairs in Cambridge, whose life/contributions have significance to Cambridge history and are documented by city records, historical documents or newspapers.
    • Valuable and substantial contribution to the City in an official, civic, or social capacity, which sets them apart from normal civic participation in the affairs of the City.
      (Examples: Service in public office, either in an elected or appointed capacity)
    • Service as a leader of an active organization of the community, which contributes to the social well-being and fabric of their neighborhood or the City as a whole.
    • Distinguished careers by present or former residents who have achieved state or national fame.
    • Significant contributions that improved the quality of life, the general health or major development of Cambridge, the Commonwealth or the nation.
  • Performed a heroic or distinguished act completely without regard for personal safety and welfare for the common good.
  • City Employee Killed in the Line of Duty
  • Worked in public service in Cambridge
    • Meritorious and distinguished service as an employee of the City.
    • Distinguished public service to Cambridge, the Commonwealth or the nation.
  • Historical Significance
    • All dedication requests associated with historical events or historical figures shall be referred to the Historical Commission.

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