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Domestic and Gender Based Violence Prevention Initiative

Members training for DGBVPI

The Domestic and Gender-Based Violence Prevention Initiative (DGBVPI) engages and mobilizes Cambridge’s communities, agencies, and City departments to change attitudes, behaviors, policies, and practices to prevent and bring attention to domestic and gender-based violence.

In collaboration with community leaders, local agencies, and interested citizens, the DGBVPI develops and provides accessible, safe, and relevant strategies and resources to prevent and respond to domestic violence in Cambridge. Services include training, consultation, building collaborations across various sectors in Cambridge, and coordination of systems of change in order to ensure compassionate and supportive environments for survivors of domestic and gender-based violence across the city.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month...Please ask yourself these Relationship Challenge Questions:

Do you... 

Disagree with your partner without fearing their response? 

Feel comfortable sharing feelings with your partner? 

Feel calm when with your partner, not on edge? 

Feel like your partner supports your goals? 

Feel like your partner treats you the same in public and in private?

If you answered “no” to these questions, you may be in an abusive relationship. 

If you think your partner would answer “no” to these questions, you may be an abusive partner.

Domestic Violence Frequently Asked Questions

Helpful Resources and Support

Tips and FAQs

Where can I find local resources for help and information?

Domestic violence is a complicated and multi-faceted issue. If you want to learn more or talk to someone, there are free and confidential resources available for survivors AND partners who are abusive in their relationship. You may not think it's abusive if there is no physical violence involved but it is. Many survivors identify the emotional abuse as the most painful and difficult aspect of their relationship.

Free and confidential resources are available to help you think about your options including:

  • Safety planning resources for survivors to learn tactics and strategies for them and their families to be safe
  • A confidential space in which to talk about your relationship or someone else’s
  • A direct connection to domestic/sexual violence programs across Massachusetts
  • Referrals to local domestic/sexual violence and other community resources
  • Support and resources for anyone who is concerned about a survivor of domestic/sexual violence
  • Resources for someone who is being abusive to address their abusive behavior

Information about domestic dating and sexual violence:

MA Statewide Option: Safelink
24/7 Hotline: 877-785-2020
24/7 free, multilingual hotline that can provide free and confidential support for survivors of domestic violence.
Learn More

Local Domestic Violence Support in Cambridge
: Transition House
24/7 Hotline: 617-661-7203
Offers free and confidential support for survivors of domestic violence.
Learn More

Local Sexual Violence Support in Cambridge
: Boston Area Rape Crisis Center (BARCC)
24/7 Hotline: 800-841-8371
Webchat: Chat Here (9:00 AM - 11:00 PM)
Offers free and confidential crisis support, information, and resources for sexual violence survivors.
Learn More

Local Domestic and Sexual Violence Support for LGTBTQIA+ Polyamorous and Kink Survivors
: The Network La Red
24/7 Hotline: 800-832-1901 (Toll-Free)
24-hour hotline provides confidential emotional support, information, referrals, safety planning, and crisis intervention for (LGBQTQIA+) folks, as well as folks in SM/kink and polyamorous communities who are being abused or have been abused by a partner.
Learn More

Love Is Respect.org
A national resource to disrupt and prevent unhealth relationships and intimate partner violence by empowering young people through inclusive and equitable education, support, and resources. 
Learn More

A Call for Change
A free, anonymous, and confidential intimate partner abuse prevention helpline.
(877) 898-3411 
Learn More

Other Resources:

hotline: (617)623-5900

GBLTQ Violence Project
hotline: (800)832-1901

Riverside Guidance Center
(617) 354-2275

Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services
Protective Services Program
Hotline: (800) 922-2275
Business Line: (617) 628-2601 ext. 3420

Massachusetts Alliance of Portuguese Speakers
(617) 864-7600 

(617) 547-9879

Cambridge Legal Services and Counseling Center
(617) 661-1010

If you would like your agency or organization to be added to the list of resources, please contact Shameka Gregory.

What are the purpose and guiding principles of the DGBVPI?

The initiative seeks to engage and mobilize Cambridge’s communities, agencies and City departments to change attitudes, behaviors, policies and practices to prevent and bring attention to domestic and gender-based violence.  In collaboration with community leaders, local agencies and interested citizens, the initiative will develop and provide accessible, safe and relevant strategies and resources to prevent and respond to domestic violence within all communities in Cambridge.

Guiding Principles

The work of the Domestic and Gender-Based Violence Initiative will:

  • be informed by a broad range of Cambridge communities with particular emphasis on communities of color and non-English speaking language groups traditionally underrepresented in decision-making leadership; also essential to a strong and informed collaborative are youth and GLBTQ communities
  • recognize that gender-based violence is connected to societal sexism and unequal power in relationships and as such, see men’s participation as essential to the work as advancing women’s empowerment and dignity
  • collaborate with survivors to develop strategies and resources that consider their safety and well-being
  • engage youth to challenge narrow gender roles and redefine relationships
  • view gender-based violence holistically and acknowledge economic, racial and social injustice as well as the pervasive presence of violence 
  • be framed by multi-cultural perspectives that invite innovative, creative ideas and engage in restorative approaches
  • rely on deeply formed partnerships as well as foster expanded relationships with City departments, agencies, community groups and grassroots organizations
  • commit to continually evaluate our efforts and progress

How did the DGBVPI get started?

The Cambridge Domestic and Gender-Based Violence Prevention Initiative has been built on the foundation of the work done through the Cambridge Domestic Violence Free Zone. On March 7, 1994, the Cambridge City Council passed a resolution defining the city as a Domestic Violence-Free Zone (DVFZ) directing all municipal and city-affiliated organizations to work collaboratively to reduce family violence.

 In 1997 eleven key projects were developed by a collaborative group within Cambridge. Learn more about the DV Free Zone in this historical document. (Please note that contact information in this document is out of date.) 

In an effort to reinvigorate the Domestic Violence focus in Cambridge, (Former) City Councilor Marjorie Decker held a community forum and began a DV awareness campaign in 2011.  Learn more about the 21 Days of Questions 365 Days of Action campaign. Marjorie Decker, along with a planning group, coordinated an effort to collect over 1000 questions from people across Cambridge. 

Following additional community forums, the City of Cambridge made a commitment to create a new position in order to coordinate ongoing efforts on domestic and gender-based violence in City. The “Coordinator of the Domestic and Gender-Based Violence Prevention Initiative” was hired in October, 2014. The Cambridge Domestic and Gender-Based Violence Steering Committee is tasked with implementing the goals of the Initiative.

Were can I learn about the assets and needs assessment?

Over the spring and summer of 2015, the Cambridge Domestic and Gender-Based Violence Prevention Initiative conducted an Assets and Needs Assessment in order to gain a better understanding of the how the issues of sexual and domestic violence in Cambridge are currently being addressed, what is working well, and what are the unmet needs of those affected by these issues. The Steering Committee conducting this Assessment reached out to community residents, local non-profits, businesses, youth, universities and City departments. Below is a link to their findings.

Assets and Needs Assessment Report with Recommendations October 2015

If you are interested in talking with us, please contact the Coordinator of the Domestic and Gender-Based Violence Prevention Initiative.

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