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Multi-Department Relocation Plan for City Hall

Project Image
The Multi-Department Relocation Plan for City Hall includes important and necessary updates to City Hall including elevator replacement, bathroom renovations, historic restoration and enhancements to office and storage space to better accommodate City Council and other departments and to better serve the public. 

Specific weekly tasks for work associated with the Multi-Department Relocation Project can be found on the "Documents" tab of the project page. 

Multi-Department Relocation Project - Construction Update

The MDRP includes important and necessary updates to City Hall including elevator replacement, bathroom renovations, historic restoration and enhancements to office and storage space to better accommodate City Council and other departments and to better serve the public. 

In order to better understand the needs of your department, please fill out the attached questionnaire and return to John Logiudicejlogiudice@cambridgema.govby Friday, March 12. 

This project will be phased over the next 18 months beginning in Mid-March: 

  • Phase 1 (March-June 2021): Fire alarm and mechanical infrastructure updates (entire building). Start of elevator renovations.

  • Phase 2 (July-September 2021): West Side of ground floor (new bathrooms, clerk storage, Credit Union). Finish elevator renovations. 

  • Phase 3 (September-December 2021): North East side of ground floor (New Print Shop)

  • Phase 4 (December 2021-March 2022): South East side of ground floor (New Assessing and meeting space)

  • Phase 5 (March 2022-June 2022): Second floor(New City Council Space, Aides, & Auditing)


Over the course of construction, particularly during Phase 1, access to your department space may be required. Advanced notice will be given, and the construction team will work to minimize any disruptions and address any concerns that may arise. 

The City will have construction management personnel on site at all times throughout construction to make sure all health and safety protocols are being followed as well as creating a conduit to address questions and concerns. 

Thank you for your patience as we work to make these improvements to City Hall. 

Questions and Contact Info:

If you have any questions regarding this project, you may contact  John Logiudice, Assistant Project Manager, 617-571-3411 / jlogiudice@cambridgema.gov or Kristen Kelleher, Community Relations Manager, 617-349-4825 / kkelleher@cambridgema.gov.


Page was posted on 5/7/2021 12:16 PM
Page was last modified on 12/19/2023 5:04 PM
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