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Volunteer Attorneys Needed for Cambridge Immigration Legal Screening Clinic

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 2 years ago.

Concerned about immigrant rights? Want to do something more to help?

The Cambridge Commission on Immigrant Rights & Citizenship (CIRC), through and in collaboration with the De Novo Center for Justice and Healing, provides a free monthly Virtual Immigration Legal Screening Clinic. The Clinic is seeking volunteer immigration attorneys. 

The Clinic is held virtually on the third Wednesday of every month:

  • Callers leave a message with their information.
  • De Novo staff screen the messages and assign callers to volunteer attorneys based on practice area and language.
  • Volunteer attorneys then provide brief advice, screen for immigration legal needs, and refer to additional legal resources.

De Novo immigration attorneys provide supervisory support. We ask that volunteer attorneys have at least two years of experience in immigration law. Interpretation is available whenever needed. 

The Clinic was established in December 2017 and the demand for services is extraordinary. During this time of global unrest, refugee crises, and continued assault on the rights and dignity of our immigrant communities, we hope that you will consider giving volunteer time to immigrants in need of assistance. 

If you would like to apply to be a volunteer attorney for the Immigration Legal Screening Clinic, please send a completed Volunteer Attorney Application to Valerie Fisk via email at vfisk@denovo.org or mail at De Novo, 47 Thorndike Street, Suite SB-LL-1, Cambridge, MA 02141. De Novo will determine if applicants meet the criteria for volunteering to staff the Clinic.

Page was posted on 6/22/2022 4:33 PM
Page was last modified on 7/25/2023 4:09 AM
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