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Central Square City Lots Study

An illustration. Arms emerge from the edges of the image, pointing and arranging items on a map of Central Square. A block of text i nthe top left corner reads: "Central Square City Lots Study". A block of text along the righthand side  reads: "Share your ideas! We have a LOT to plan for on City-owned properties in Central Square.

The City of Cambridge Community Development Department, in collaboration with other city departments and the Central Square community, will be leading a municipal property needs assessment and planning study for city-owned properties in Central Square. This project will support the City to best use its own assets to realize community goals and support City operations. Get ready, we have a “lot” to plan for!

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The Latest

image of map with buildings and streets

2/29: Central Square City Lots Study - Final Plan Release

We're happy to announce that the Central Square City Lots Study has been completed and submitted to City Council! The recommendations in the study are a reflection of how we best match the community's interests, needs and priorities with the City's to craft a balanced and ambitious future for Central Square.

To view and download the final report and its appendices, please see the Project and Meeting Materials section below.

Download Report

Community Engagement

Past Events:

12/14: Central Square City Lots Study - Community Meeting #3

After successful community meetings and events where we gathered feedback, input, and ideas from the Cambridge community, we shared some concepts for the city-owned lots. This was a virtual community meeting where we reviewed the sites that we are planning for, presented our draft recommendations for their future uses, and received additional community feedback on the proposed options. 

The meeting was held via Zoom. The presentation and video recording can be viewed in the Meeting Materials section below.

11/13: City Council Roundtable Discussion - Central Square City Lots Study

The Cambridge City Council met on Monday, November 13, 2023 from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. to receive an update from the City Manager and relevant departments on the Central Square City Lots Study.

The meeting can be viewed on the City’s Open Meeting Portal at https://cambridgema.iqm2.com/citizens/default.aspx?  Cambridge residents may also view on Channel 22-City View Local Access. 

Click here to review the presentation or visit the Meeting Materials section of this website.

10/25: Central Square City Lots Study - Virtual Public Meeting

Thanks to everyone that attended our virtual meeting! Please find the meeting materials, including the presentation, boards and video recording in our Meeting Materials section. 

At meeting to we shared information about the project; reviewed the sites that we are planning for; and received community input and ideas on future uses for these properties. We also exchanged general thoughts and concerns about Central Square, as they might apply these sites.

Click here to view event flyer

10/08: Central Square City Lots Study - Public Meeting!

Hope you joined us on Sunday, 10/8 at Starlight Square where we held our first community meeting! 

It was an open house style public meeting to share information about the project; review the sites that we are planning for; and receive community input and ideas on future uses for these properties. We received a lot of positive and interesting feedback on future opportunities and uses for these sites. To view the meeting materials and photos, please see Meeting Materials.

9/6: Central Square Advisory Committee regular meeting

On Wednesday, September 6 from 6 PM-8PM, the Central Square City Lots planning team provided a project overview to the standing Central Square Advisory Committee at its regular meeting. This was an opportunity for the committee and anyone who would attended to receive general information on the scope of the project and early feedback from our pop-ups. Please review the meeting materials section to view the presentation.

9/1: Thank you for attending!

Thanks to everyone who made it by our pop-ups in August! We received a lot of information and insights. If you weren't able to attend, you can still let us know what you think! Leave a comment regarding your thoughts about Central Square and the city-owned properties we are planning for. 

Share Your Ideas

The graphic schedule highlights key stages and timelines for the project.

The study area map highlights the city-owned (municipal) properties that will be studied.

  map of properties with streets

Project and Meeting Materials

Plan Documents


Key Documents and Resources

Citywide Plans

Neighborhood Plans

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