Warm Hearts for Warm Feet Wool Sock Drive returns for second year
CAMBRIDGE, MA (Thursday, February 1, 2019)—The “Warm Hearts for Warm Feet Wool Sock Drive” is continuing for the second year in a row. From Monday, January 28, until Thursday, February 14, residents can drop of new pairs of men’s and women’s wool socks to Cambridge City Hall at 795 Massachusetts Ave or Cambridge Police Headquarters at 125 Sixth St. The drive is being conducted in conjunction with CASPAR & Bay Cove Human Services, the Mayor’s Office, City Council, and Cambridge Police Department to aid those in our community who are experiencing homelessness this winter.
"One pair of wool socks may seem like a small thing, but it's crucially important to a homeless neighbor living outdoors during the frigid winter months. And that one pair of socks is more than just a source of warmth," stated Julia Londergan, Director of Development at CASPAR. "Each pair of socks that a member of CASPAR's Street Outreach Team hands out can also be a lifeline—that initial connection with our staff that can lead a person into our shelter, where they can gain access to additional services and care, and hopefully get started on the path to safe and permanent housing."
Residents looking to participate in the drive can purchase durable, crew length wool socks and drop them off in designated collection bins in City Hall or the Police Department. Discounts are available at participating local retail stores, including in Central Square.
“Participating in the annual census of persons experiencing homelessness last week, the need for immediate and long-term support for our City’s most vulnerable members could not have been more apparent,” said Mayor Marc McGovern. “Many of us will never know the hardships that our homeless population face each and every day—it is our responsibility to share the benefits of our circumstances and practice our shared humanity.”
The drive started last year after new Councillors Alanna Mallon and Sumbul Siddiqui visited the CASPAR/Bay Cove shelter at 240 Albany Street. "Councillor Siddiqui and I realized the critical need for these wool socks last year when we met with CASPAR representatives who explained that cold, wet feet in temperatures below 40 degrees can cause frostbite," said Councillor Mallon.
Councillor Siddiqui added that “residents who are homeless are medically vulnerable and frostbite can create a desperate situation. We started this wool sock drive last year and collected over 1000 pairs of wool socks. This drive is a small way the community can help protect our homeless population and ensure their safety during the winter months."
All participants are hoping to match the success of last year’s drive. Because of the emergency need, wool socks will be distributed to our homeless neighbors as they are donated, so please contribute soon.