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Cambridge Mayor Sumbul Siddiqui will host first in-person “Coffee Hours” at Starlight Square since launching virtual series in January

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 3 years ago.

Photo of Starlight Square in Central Square

During the ongoing public health crisis, Mayor Sumbul Siddiqui launched a virtual "Coffee Hours with the Mayor." These individualized sessions have been a wonderful opportunity for Cambridge residents to meet with Mayor Siddiqui face-to-face, ask questions, and voice their feelings during a time where many people needed an outlet and direct access to an elected official.

The primary goal of the virtual series was to continue connecting with constituents even when the only safe option was to do so remotely. With a continued desire to meet the needs of residents while still following CDC safety guidelines, "Coffee Hours with the Mayor" will commence in-person, and outdoors, at Starlight Square on the last Saturday of each month, starting this Saturday, April 24th through September 25th.

"The best part of my job is connecting with Cambridge residents, and providing support and guidance on issues they find important or need information on," said Mayor Siddiqui. "We've been disconnected from one another for so long, and I know the need and desire to connect with me during these uncertain times is even more important. I am looking forward to moving my virtual coffee hours to in-person at Starlight Square."

Bringing "Coffee Hours" to Starlight Square aims to decrease technological divides or access gaps that have existed for residents in connecting with Mayor Siddiqui virtually. Hosting these coffee hours at Starlight Square will balance the need for ensuring safety and maintaining human connection.

For more information or questions about making an appointment during or outside coffee hours, please contact Adrienne Klein, Constituent Support Manager for Mayor Siddiqui at aklein@cambridgema.gov or call (617) 349-4264.

Page was posted on 4/22/2021 5:42 PM
Page was last modified on 12/31/2023 11:05 PM
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