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Mayor's Office Announces Early College Pilot

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 3 years ago.

Cambridge Rindge & Latin
The Mayor’s Office, in partnership with Lesley University and Cambridge Public Schools (CPS), is announcing a new partnership to pilot an Early College Program serving students in grades 10, 11 and 12 at Cambridge Rindge and Latin School (CRLS).

The program will provide CRLS students with opportunities to fulfill high school graduation requirements while also earning college credits. Set to start in January 2022, the Lesley-CPS Early College pilot will enable eligible CRLS students to enroll in a Lesley course as non-degree students to receive dual high school and college credit. Classes will be taught by Lesley faculty on the university’s campus. Advising and counseling services will be offered through both CRLS and Lesley to support the high-schoolers’ successful transition to post-secondary education. Getting exposure to secondary education while in high school has shown to increase college matriculation and graduation rates.

Mayor Sumbul Siddiqui and School Committee Member Fred Fantini championed the Early College initiative and led the charge to bring this pilot together working with Cambridge Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Schools Dr. Nicole Gittens and Lesley Associate Provost Jen Serowick. After working through the schedule, budget and courses offered, the team was able to move forward with the idea.

“I am thrilled that the Early College Pilot will be underway in January,” says Mayor Siddiqui. “Providing CRLS students with an opportunity to get a jump on college courses has been shown to increase rates of college completion and lead to longer term success. This is exactly the kind of program we want our youth to participate in, especially those from populations who are underrepresented in higher ed. We are lucky to have a great partner in Lesley University in our community and I am looking forward to students taking advantage of the program.”

Member Fantini adds, “Early College is a proven high leverage strategy for getting historically underserved populations to experience college courses while in high school that will lead to successful college entrance and completion. This is consistent with our equity goals in CPS. I appreciated working with such a strong team from Lesley University, the Cambridge Public Schools and the Mayor’s Office.”

CRLS will coordinate enrollment in the pilot program and interested students should contact the Guidance Office to learn about registering.

Please direct any questions to the Mayor’s Chief of Staff, Michael Scarlett at mscarlett@cambridgema.gov.
Page was posted on 10/7/2021 5:03 PM
Page was last modified on 12/31/2023 11:05 PM
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