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Ad Hoc Selection Committee Announces 15 Charter Review Committee Members

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 2 years ago.

Kyle Klein image of City Hall
The Ad Hoc Selection Committee reviewed 122 highly qualified applicants and has selected 15 Charter Review Committee members who reflect the diversity of Cambridge: Kaleb Abebe, Jessica Dejesus Acevedo, Mosammat Faria Afreen, Kathleen Born, Nikolas Bowie, Kevin Chen, Max Clermont, Jennifer Gilbert, Kai Long, Patrick Magee, Mina Makarious, Lisa Peterson, Ellen Shachter, Susan Shell, and Jim Stockard.

All Committee members are registered Cambridge voters as required by the Charter. Per the passage of the ballot initiatives in November 2021, the Committee will review the current Plan E Charter, hold community forums, and gather input from all stakeholders and residents. The Committee will recommend changes they believe will improve and modernize Cambridge’s structure and governance to the City Council. Any recommendations the City Council accepts will be put before voters in a municipal election prior to adoption. The Committee is expected to take up to one year to complete its work with the first meeting to be held at the beginning of August.

More information will be available on a dedicated City webpage in the coming weeks.

Please direct any questions to the Mayor’s Chief of Staff, Michael Scarlett at mscarlett@cambridgema.gov.
Page was posted on 7/1/2022 1:18 PM
Page was last modified on 12/31/2023 11:05 PM
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