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Summer of Peace Initiative (2008 to 2015)

Summer of Peace 2010

The Summer of Peace Initiative was developed to support the range of work that promotes a summer free of violence impacting youth in Cambridge through convening people together to connect, collaborate, share information, and build relationships.

This initiative brought together City staff, police, schools, clergy, youth centers, public health staff, people from academic institutions and community activists to identify potential problems and sources of violence in the community, foster collaborations among agencies, share information, and report on accomplishments.

The Summer of Peace Initiative began in 2008 after a variety of people in Cambridge raised concerns with the Peace Commission about young people in our community dealing with issues of potential violence and worries about safety. Participants found it useful to meet as a group before the summer, and once or twice during the summer, to check in and keep in touch.

In 2015, as the Family Policy Council expanded its work and with strengthened relationships in place, this initiative drew to a close. The work and collaborative efforts continue, and the spirit of the Summer of Peace Initiative can be seen in efforts across Cambridge.

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