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We're Adding Separated Bike Lanes to Hampshire Street—and We Want to Hear From You

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 2 years ago.

Screenshot of a map with Hampshire Street highlighted and a series of dots.
Screenshot of the feedback map for location-specific comments

The Cambridge Traffic, Parking, and Transportation Department (TP+T) is looking for your thoughts as we launch the Hampshire Street Safety Improvement Project!

Hampshire Street is a busy corridor navigated daily by people biking, walking, and driving. It’s also a key piece in the City’s plan for a safe, connected, separated bike lane network.

The City plans to add separated bike lanes to Hampshire Street between Inman Square and Broadway in 2023. This quick-build project will change the layout of the street with new pavement markings, signs, and flex posts. This will include improvements to existing crosswalks and changes to parking and loading.

At an open house on November 7 and community meeting on November 7, city staff introduced the project and discussed current conditions on the street. Learn more on the project website.

Now, the City is looking for more feedback that will help inform plans for the street. A few questions to get you started:

  • How do you currently use Hampshire Street?
  • What elements (such as loading zones or parking on particular blocks) are important to keep?
  • Where do you have safety concerns while walking, riding, or driving on Hampshire Street?
  • What can Cambridge improve on Hampshire Street?

There are a few ways to give feedback:

  • Comment Map: Leave location-specific feedback on our comment map. Click "Submit a comment" to leave a note at a specific location, or "heart" other comments that you agree with.
  • Feedback Form: If you have feedback or comments that aren't tied to a specific location, submit them using our feedback form.
  • Emailing the Project Manager: If you're having trouble, or have a question or comment that you'd like a response to, email Project Manager Andreas Wolfe at awolfe@cambridgema.gov.

TP+T take all forms of comments into account, so don't worry about which format you use—all forms of feedback will be considered.

More ways to get involved:

Page was posted on 12/2/2022 10:25 AM
Page was last modified on 7/25/2023 1:55 AM
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