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Expect Memorial Day Weekend Traffic Impacts in Cambridge

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 1 year ago.

Expect traffic impacts and road closures due to events taking place over the Memorial Day weekend. Events include: 

  • The Boston Calling Music Festival will take place at the Harvard Athletic Complex in Allston from Friday, May 26 through Sunday, May 28. Expect street closures in Harvard Square between 9 p.m. and midnight each night. Cambridge residents who experience noise or other impacts from the event should contact the Boston Calling Hotline at 617-398-0381 or call the City of Cambridge Non-Emergency Line at 617-349-3300.
  • Boston's Run to Remember will take place along the Charles River on Sunday, May 28, beginning at 7 a.m. The race route begins and ends in Boston, but a portion of the half marathon takes runners through Cambridge on Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation property along Land Boulevard and Memorial Drive. 
Page was posted on 5/25/2023 11:41 AM
Page was last modified on 5/21/2024 4:50 PM
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