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Cambridge Prioritizes Safety and Efficiency with No Turn on Red Signage

Cross Walk with red traffic light on and walk signal on

The City of Cambridge is taking a proactive step towards creating safer streets by disallowing turns on red at all city-owned traffic signals. This action is a part of our commitment to prioritize safety, reduce crashes, and enhance the overall efficiency of the city's transportation network.




We’re taking steps to protect vulnerable road users like cyclists and pedestrians. The No Turn on Red regulation was already in place at many intersections across the City, but on November 7, 2022, the Cambridge City Council passed an order to make this regulation standard at all intersections. The City was inspired by the success of similar implementations in Washington D.C. and other cities.


Throughout 2023, City staff added 225 “No Turn on Red” signs at intersections to align with Vision Zero principles.


View the Council Order.


Enhancing Intersection Safety

Introducing "No Turn on Red" signage in Cambridge is expected to reduce crashes at intersections. When drivers don’t have the option to make right turns at red lights, the likelihood of collisions with oncoming traffic, cyclists, and pedestrians is diminished.

Allowing turns on red shifts a driver’s attention to finding the quickest way through the intersection and away from being aware of other road users around them. This increases the likelihood that vulnerable road users are injured during turns at locations where turning on red is allowed.

This move reflects the City's commitment to the Vision Zero initiative, meant to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all.

Current Project Status: The City has finished installing No Turn on Red signs at City-owned intersections citywide.

Page was posted on 4/22/2024 12:38 PM
Page was last modified on 4/23/2024 8:55 AM
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