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DCR Memorial Drive Improvements Phase III Design Public Information Meeting December 12

The Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) invites you to join the project team for a virtual public meeting Thursday, December 12, from 6-7:30 p.m., to present the 90% final design for Memorial Drive Greenway Phase III. 

The project includes numerous parkway and parkland improvements that will provide a safer experience for pedestrians, bicyclists, and motor vehicles that travel through this segment of Memorial Drive and the Charles River Reservation. The project limits go from the Eliot Bridge, just west of the Cambridge Boat House, to JFK Street at the Anderson Memorial Bridge in Cambridge.

To participate, register for the virtual meeting here. After the meeting, the presentation will be available for viewing on the Past Events for DCR Public Meetings Information web page. DCR encourages the public to share additional feedback before January 3, 2025 through the DCR Public Comment Portal.

Please check DCR's project page for more information on this project.

Click here for a PDF flyer with more information.

Page was posted on 12/3/2024 5:13 PM
Page was last modified on 12/6/2024 8:34 AM
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