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Meet and Greet Opportunities with Cambridge Veterans Services in 2025

Join us for monthly gatherings on a trial basis over four Fridays, from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m., at the VFW Post 8818, 688 Huron Ave, Cambridge.

  • Friday, January 24
  • Friday, February 28
  • Friday, March 28
  • Friday, April 25

These gatherings are aimed at helping veterans connect with each other, learn about important resources, and receive assistance with VA claims, Chapter 115, and other benefits. Cambridge Veteran Services Officers can share valuable insights and updates on various services, benefits, and opportunities available to veterans in our area.

Whether you are a veteran yourself, a family member of a veteran, or a community supporter, we encourage you to attend and contribute to this enriching gathering. Please feel free to invite any friends and family who might also benefit from this event. Together, let's create a supportive and welcoming community for our veterans.

For more information, contact Herman Sanchez, Program & Benefits Administrator, Department of Veterans Services at 617-349-4761 or hsanchez@Cambridgema.gov.

Page was posted on 1/12/2025 11:52 AM
Page was last modified on 2/13/2025 10:58 AM
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