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Winter Coat Drive for the Homeless

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 8 years ago.

CASPAR Coat Delivery

Winter Coat/Accessories Drive (Dec 1-21)

The City of Cambridge is holding a Winter Coat and Accessories Drive Dec. 1-21 to benefit CASPAR and help the homeless stay warm this winter!!

CASPAR has been serving the Cambridge community since 1970. CASPAR's primary goal is to save lives today, by connecting our homeless neighbors who are living on the street with services that they need so that recovery and an end to homelessness is possible. Their Street Outreach Van begins this process by building relationships with our homeless neighbors living on the street and by providing food, hygiene supplies, new or gently used weatherproof winter coats (Women’s L, XL and Men’s L, XL, XXL) and other necessities to them.

The City is seeking the following items:

• New hats, scarves, gloves, & socks

• Gently used Coats

Please Drop-off items by Noon on Dec. 21 at one of 3 convenient locations in Cambridge during the City's Business Hours:

• City Hall – 795 Mass Ave
• City Hall Annex – 344 Broadway
• Department of Public Works – 147 Hampshire Street

Thank you for your consideration!

For more information, visit www.casparinc.org.

For more information about the City's Holiday drive, contact Ini Tomeu, Public Information Officer, itomeu@cambridgema.gov

Page was posted on 5/8/2018 6:54 PM
Page was last modified on 7/24/2023 9:54 PM
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