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Central Square City Lots Study - Public Meeting 1

Join us on Sunday, 10/8 at Starlight Square for our first community meeting! 

This will be an open house style public meeting to share information about the project; review the sites that we are planning for; and receive community input and ideas on future uses for these properties. We look forward to crafting this plan with you!

Come for the snacks, stay for the conversations! 

Location: Starlight Square (84 Bishop Allen Drive) - Enter on Norfolk Street.
Date: Sunday, October, 8th 
Time: 12PM-3PM

Click link for event flyer

There will be a virtual option of this meeting on Wednesday, 10/25 via Zoom. Please register here and stay tuned for further details!


Central Square City Lots Study: The City of Cambridge Community Development Department (CDD), in collaboration with other city departments and the Cambridge community, is leading a municipal property needs assessment and planning study for city-owned properties in Central Square.

Page was posted on 9/21/2023 4:20 PM
Page was last modified on 10/5/2023 10:14 AM
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