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HazMat 1 Placed in Service

The new HazMat 1 truck was placed in full service on August 26, 2024.

HazMat 1 is an Electric Vehicle (EV), built by Rosenbauer on a 2023 International chassis. The apparatus includes a command post with electronic research library and is fully equipped to support our Cambridge Fire Hazardous Materials Task Force at hazardous materials incidents in the city as well as in our mutual aid communities as needed.

Equipment carried includes sampling meters & kits to test gaseous, liquid, & solid products; radiation meters; personal protective equipment (entry suits, self-contained breathing apparatus, boots, gloves); containment equipment (booms, absorbent materials, drums, patches, plugs, & diking materials); hand tools (non-sparking wrenches, mallets, shovels, brooms, brushes); decontamination equipment; and much, much more. The truck also includes a roof-mounted light tower for use during night or low-visibility operations.


The truck was purchased with funds allocated by the MA Department of Fire Services


The new HazMat 1 EV replaces an older diesel-powered response vehicle.

This truck is believed to be the first Electric Powered Fire Apparatus in service in New England!


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Page was posted on 8/27/2024 8:27 AM
Page was last modified on 8/27/2024 8:42 AM
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