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Recreation Resources at Your Fingertips!

Danehy Park Family Day

The Department of Human Service Programs' Recreation Division recently upgraded its website to improve user navigation and experience. The new homepage is a one-stop-shop to learn about Recreation events, programs, and news; quickly access information about facilities managed by Recreation staff; get an overview of youth athletic leagues in Cambridge; learn how to request an athletic field permit, and more!

Check out the new site at www.cambridgema.gov/Recreation.

Highlights Include:

The mission of the Recreation Division is to encourage Cambridge residents of all ages, identities and abilities to invest in their health, wellbeing and personal growth, making meaningful connections along the way. We hope this new website helps the community engage with the many recreational opportunities that Cambridge has to offer!


Page was posted on 8/1/2024 4:05 PM
Page was last modified on 8/2/2024 10:30 AM
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