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Open During Construction

Harvard Square Construction Impact Mitigation

Community Development

The Community Development Department, City Manager's Office, and the Department of Public Works are collaborating with the Harvard Square Business Association and Harvard Square Neighborhood Association to mitigate construction-related impacts on local businesses from the Eliot Street Reconstruction Project, MBTA, and private development projects in the Harvard Square area.  

Contact Information

For questions related to construction mitigation for local businesses, contact Pardis Saffari, Senior Economic Development Manager, Community Development Department
(617) 349-4654 | psaffari@cambridgema.gov

For questions related to City construction projects, contact Kate Riley, Community Relations Manager, Department of Public Works
(617) 349-4870 | kriley@cambridgema.gov

To support Harvard Square’s vibrant local businesses during construction, the Community Development Department launched the Harvard Square Loyalty Program. To participate:

  • Pick up a Harvard Square Loyalty Card at a participating Harvard Square business.
  • Visit participating businesses each month and get your card stamped six (6) times.
  • Return your completed Loyalty Card (6 stamps) to drop boxes located throughout Harvard Square.
  • Be entered to win a $50.00 gift card to a local Harvard Square business of your choice. Two winners will be chosen at the end of each month while construction is ongoing.

Participants are limited to submitting one completed Loyalty Card per month. No purchase necessary to participate.   

Note: City of Cambridge employees are encouraged to support Harvard Square businesses during construction, but are not eligible to participate in the Loyalty Program. Gift cards cannot be used for wine, liquor or tobacco purchases, per Massachusetts state law.

For full program and participant eligibility details, click here. 

Participating businesses are indicated with a heart icon in the map below. Download a Harvard Square Loyalty Program Map (PDF) here.

Page was last modified on 7/24/2023 8:09 PM
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