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City Hall from the Rooftops

Story Maps


Cambridge Story Maps use geography as a means of organizing and presenting information. They tell the story of a place, event, issue, trend, or pattern in a geographic context. They combine interactive maps with other rich content—text, photos, video, and audio—within user experiences that are basic and intuitive. In short - they are fun, easy to use, and easy to create maps.

Themes come from a variety of different City departments, including Conservation, Planning, and the Public Information Office.

Additional Information

Browse through the Cambridge Story Map Gallery to see how these applications are used to promote public events, highlight City Services, and even take you on a tour through the Annual Report. 

Check out the official Cambridge GIS Story Maps Story to get an inside look at how Cambridge implemented story maps in their community, and explore the different methods for organizing and sharing  completed story maps with internal users and the public.  

Page was last modified on 7/24/2023 8:07 PM
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