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Transitional Jobs Program

Human Service Programs

Cambridge Works is a transitional jobs program, designed to serve residents (age 18-35) who, for a variety of reasons, have not been able to get or keep jobs.  The centerpiece of the transitional jobs model is learning to work by going to work.

The City and a limited number of private sector partners provide a 13 week temporary job as a vehicle for participants to learn basic job-readiness skills:  punctuality, attendance, responding to supervision, working with co-workers, etc.  The work experience is coupled with intense case management, and participants attend weekly workshops to develop soft skills and to identify and address personal barriers that have prevented success.

Participants start to develop realistic career objectives and work closely with the program coordinator to prepare for the next step, which is un-subsidized private sector employment.

Page was last modified on 7/24/2023 8:07 PM
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