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Service Department

Alcohol License

Annual Alcohol License fall into two categories, Retail On-Premise for restaurants, hotels & clubs and Retail Off-Premise for package stores and markets. Both are issued by the License Commission in conjunction with the State's Alcohol Beverage Control Commission (ABCC). Retail On-Premise is governed by both Massachusetts General Law ch. 138, sec. 12 and Cambridge Regulations. Retail Off-Premise is governed by both Massachusetts General Law ch. 138, sec. 15 and Cambridge Regulations. The process for applying for a license takes a minimum of eight to ten weeks.

License Commission617-349-6140

Annual Entertainment License

Annual Entertainment Licenses are issued by the Cambridge License Commission.

License Commission617-349-6140

Common Victualler Licenses

A Common Victualler License is issued by the Cambridge License Commission and governed by Massachusetts General Laws, Ch. 140, Sec. 2-9. Every food service establishment in the City of Cambridge with capabilities for cooking, preparing, and serving food is required to have a Common Victualler License.

License Commission617-349-6140

Garage, Flammables, or Garage with Flammables License

Garage, Flammables or Garage with Flammables Licenses are issued by the Cambridge License Commission.

License Commission617-349-6140

Hackney License

Hackney Licenses are issued by the Cambridge License Commission and are governed by the Special Acts 1922 ch. 95 and Cambridge Regulations & Ordinances, ch. 5.20.

License Commission617-349-6140

Innholder or Lodging House License

Innholder or Lodging House Licenses are issued by the Cambridge License Commission and are governed by Massachusetts General Law.

License Commission617-349-6140

Leaf Blower Permit

Information for Commercial Leaf Blowers within the City of Cambridge.

License Commission617-349-6140

Noise Ordinance Information

The City of Cambridge's Noise Ordinance is governed by Chapter 8.16.

License Commission617-349-6140

One-Day Licenses

One Day Entertainment Licenses are issued by the Cambridge License Commission and governed by Massachusetts General Law.

License Commission617-349-6140

Other Licenses

The City of Cambridge License Commission issues a number of other licenses.

License Commission617-349-6140
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