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Broadway Safety Improvement Project Working Group Meeting


City Hall Annex
4th Floor Conference Room
344 Broadway
Cambridge, MA 02139

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  • The Port
  • Mid-Cambridge


On Tuesday, April 1, 2025 from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., we will host the second Working Group Meeting for the Broadway Safety Improvement Project. This meeting will specifically focus on the design plans for Section A of the project.

How to Participate

All Working Group meetings are open to the public, although time for general public comment will be limited. Members of the public can join in-person at 344 Broadway or online. You can access the meeting virtually through Zoom, click here. The project will also be holding general public meetings and other public events throughout the next few months and encourage interested members of the public to join the Project mailing list in order to learn about these events.

If you're having trouble accessing the meeting link or participating in public comment during this meeting, please contact TP+T by calling or texting 857-331-3630 or emailing jmclaughlin@cambridgema.gov.

Accessibility Information

The City of Cambridge does not discriminate, including on the basis of disability. We may provide auxiliary aids and services, written materials in alternative formats, and reasonable modifications in policies and procedures to people with disabilities. For more information contact Traffic, Parking, and Transportation at tpt@cambridgema.gov, 617-349-4700 (voice), or via relay at 711.

Page was posted on 3/7/2025 12:18 PM
Page was last modified on 3/10/2025 9:45 AM
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