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LGBTQ+ Commission Meeting


2nd Floor Conference Room
51 Inman St.
Cambridge, MA 02139

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Sarah Binney


Cambridge LGBTQ+ Commission

AGENDA: July 25, 2024, 6:00 PM

Location: HYBRID: 51 Inman Street or Zoom

Contact: Cambridge LGBTQ+ Commission <LGBTQ@CambridgeMA.gov> 617-349-3355

Co-Chairs: Bill Barnert and Zachary Dresser

Tonight’s meeting chaired by: Bill Barnert

  1. Welcome
  2. Approve / Modify Agenda
  3. Approve Previous Minutes
  4. Introductions
  5. One early piece of New Business (done early so guest does not have to stay for the whole meeting):
    1. Currently, Cambridge’s legal definition of “sexual orientation” reads: "The term “sexual orientation” [in laws, ordinances, etc.] shall mean the actual or supposed heterosexuality, homosexuality, or bisexuality of an individual." It has been proposed by a citizen (Kimberly Rhoten) that we ask to expand this to: "The term “sexual orientation” shall mean one’s physical, intimate, emotional, sexual, romantic attraction or relationship to people of a particular gender OR multiple genders, or lack thereof. A person’s sexual orientation may be identified by terms including, but not limited to, asexual, aromantic, bisexual, gay, lesbian, heterosexual, homosexual, pansexual, and queer. Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation shall include both discrimination based on actual knowledge of sexual orientation as well as discrimination based on supposition or assumption of an individual’s sexual orientation, which can include assumptions based on someone’s gender expression or identity." Commissioner Monrreal proposed alternatively: "Sexual orientation encompasses a vast array of terminologies involving cultural & ethnic affiliations that ought not to be limited to certain specific verbiages of solely categorical basis but rather experiences that are lively expressed."The change would require both City Council & State Legislature approval. We will vote tonight on whether we want to pursue this.
  6. Project Updates (current actions, and plans) including reports from Carolina, Sarah, Amelia, & Phoebe
    1. SAGE Table
  7. Carolina will provide a short overview on Commissioner-to-City communication policies.
  8. Working Group Reports
    1. Communications
    2. Events
    3. Housing
    4. Public Health & Safety
    5. Pride Brunch
    6. Recruitment
    7. Youth
  9. Discussion: At the last two meetings, Commissioners were asked what their interests are. We will share the findings of this & discuss what kinds of projects we want to work on in the coming year, and who wants to work on what.
  10. Old Business
  11. New Business
    1. Inviting Mayor Simmons to one of our Fall meetings
  12. Report from Rainbows Across Communities
  13. Public Comments / Announcements
  14. Next Commission Meeting: Thursday, September 26, 2024

To participate in public comment join our meeting at 51 Inman St. 2nd Floor or register for the meeting at: https://cambridgema.zoom.us/j/89723365868


For more information regarding Zoom technology visit: https://www.cambridgema.gov/Departments/citycouncil/zoomonlinemeetinginstructions

Page was posted on 12/29/2022 10:16 AM
Page was last modified on 7/23/2024 10:05 AM
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