Human Rights Commission
03/02/23 Meeting Agenda
- Call to Order
- Public Comment
- Review and approval of February 2023 minutes
- Staff Report
- Old Business
- New Business
- Bathroom Accessibility Working Group
- Voucher-related Review
- City Human Rights Issues
- Federal Human Rights Developments
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*Anyone wishing to address the Cambridge Human Rights Commission during the Public Comment section of the agenda may indicate that by "raising their hand" virtually and will be recognized by the Chair. Speakers are asked to identify themselves and provide an address, and each speaker is limited to not more than three (3) minutes. Although the public comments should, whenever possible, address one or more items on the agenda for that particular meeting, if time permits, the Chair may allow a speaker to comment on matters that may not directly address an item on the agenda, but do concern the Commission, or issues of discrimination within the City of Cambridge.