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Cambridge Lights for Liberty: A Vigil to End Detention Camps


Cambridge City Hall

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Wil Durbin


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The Office of Mayor Marc C. McGovern will host Cambridge Lights for Liberty: A Vigil to End Detention Camps

Community Gathering begins at 7:45 PM
Speaking program and immigrant rights training begins at 8:00 PM
Candle vigil begins at 9:00 PM

The Lights for Liberty Vigil organizers are comprised of a coalition of community members that uphold the principle behind democracy that all human beings have a right to life, liberty, and dignity. We are partnering with national, regional, and local communities and organizations who believe that these fundamental rights are not negotiable and are willing to protect them. 

At 9:00 PM local time, at every detention camp, and in cities, towns, and homes around America, a silent sea of candles will light up the nation.

Vigil partners include:

  • Office of Cambridge Mayor Marc C. McGovern
  • Office of Somerville Mayor Joe Curtatone
  • De Novo
  • Political Asylum/Immigration Representation Project (PAIR)
  • Cambridge Community Foundation
  • Irish International Immigration Center
  • Vocal Oppostion
  • Cambridge Commission on Immigrant Rights and Citizenship
Contact Wil Durbin, Mayor's Chief of Staff if you'd like to sing, play music, read a poem, speak or contribute in some way, wdurbin@cambridgema.gov.
Page was posted on 7/8/2019 9:39 PM
Page was last modified on 12/31/2023 11:03 PM
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