Co-Chairs: Bill Barnert and Frank Arce
Tonight’s meeting chaired by: Bill Barnert
- Welcome
- Assign Minute Taker
- Approve / Modify Agenda
- Approve Previous Minutes
- Introductions
- Project Updates (current actions, and plans) including reports from Sarah, Amelia, & Phoebe
- Working Group Reports
- All-Gender Bathrooms
- Budget
- City Forms
- Communications: Who is interested in updating the old brochures?
- Community Center
- Diversity
- Events: Who is interested in planning new events?
- Handbook
- Housing
- Public Health & Safety
- Pride Brunch: GREAT JOB ALL!
- Recruitment
- Strategic Planning
- Youth: Who is interested in working with/for Cambridge youth?
8. Old Business
9. New Business
- Housing Survey approval
- August Pot-Luck?
- Suggestion for minutes:Trans Day of Remembrance is Monday, Nov 20, 2023. Who would like to start planning this?
10. Report from Rainbows Across Communities
11. Public Comments/ Announcements
12. Next Commission Meeting: Thursday, July 27, 2023, over Zoom
To register for the meeting or to participate in public comment visit:
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