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LGBTQ+ Commission Meeting - FULLY VIRTUAL



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Sarah Binney


Meeting Agenda - Zoom

  1. Welcome
    1.  NOTE: Sarah will be taking the minutes for all meetings going forward.
  2. Approve / Modify Agenda
  3. Approve Previous Minutes
  4. Introductions
  5. Project Updates (current actions, and plans) including reports from Carolina, Sarah, Amelia, & Phoebe
  6. Working Group Reports
    1. Communications – We are planning on creating a new pamphlet or brochure to give people more applicable/actionable information in addition to generic information about what the LGBTQ+ Commission is. For example, ways they can get involved, or information relevant to LGBTQ+ people about how to navigate city systems and policies, like domestic partnership or housing. Anyone interested in helping out should contact Bill Barnert <TheBilby@gmail.com> or Linden Huhmann <LindenHuhmann@gmail.com>.
    2. Events: 
      1. SAGE Table update
      2. Fair and Affordable Housing Event - Join us for the City of Cambridge's Fair Housing for All event on Saturday, April 27 at the Cambridge Senior Center at 806 Massachusetts Avenue from 11:00am-2:30pm. No registration required.From 11-2:30 p.m., representatives from City departments, local organizations, and non-profits will be available to answer questions and provide resources related to fair and affordable housing in Cambridge.
      3. LGBTQ+ Film Series - Cambridge residents age 60 and older are invited to join the LGBTQ+ Film Series, held at 10 a.m. on the last Tuesday of each month at the Cambridge Senior Center (806 Massachusetts Ave.). View and discuss movies with LGBTQ+ themes and content. Friends, family members, caretakers and allies are also encouraged to participate.The next two films in the series will be:Tuesday, Apr 30, 10:00am – The Adventures of Pricilla, Queen of the Desert (1994, Rated R)Tues. May 26, 10:00am – The Inspection (2022, Rated R)For more information, download the flyer, or contact Phoebe Hallahan, Programming Leader for the Cambridge LGBTQ+ Commission, at phallahan@cambridgema.gov, or call 617-349-9177.
      4. LGBTQ+ Commission Social Event – In lieu of one of our upcoming meetings (TBD), the Commission will be holding a social event for Commissioners & Staff.
      5. Housing:Improving Inclusivity in Cambridge HousingYou might recall that n a Commission meeting earlier this year, we discussed possible ways to improve the inclusivity of the new programs to update the number of unrelated people that can share housing in Cambridge. After that meeting Linden met with Maura and Carolina, who are leading the LGBTQ+ Housing Task Force, and they asked Linden to continue looking into this and come up with some low-hanging fruit recommendations to propose to the broader Task Force. It looks like the meeting where Linden will be sharing their recommendations with the Task Force will happen on May 21, so they believe tonight’s LGBTQ+ Commission Meeting is their last opportunity to get input from you all before then.You can of course also reach out to them individually to share your input or get involved - Linden is always excited to have more folks helping with research and ideas about how to improve inclusivity! And their understanding is that the May 21 LGBTQ+ Housing Task Force Meeting is open to the public, so you could join them there as well.Please take a look at the draft recommendations*, and give feedback tonight. Note that at Maura and Carolina's request, the recommendations at this stage do not yet aim to change how the city's housing programs work, but primarily focus on aspects such as making language more inclusive, making improvements related to the collection of sensitive information, and adding important clarifying information for applicants and prospective applicants. In addition to the draft recommendations*, Linden has updates from the Housing Working Group to share. If the Commission is in agreement about the recommendations for the City of Cambridge's housing programs, Linden would also like to take a vote to endorse/support recommending them to the LGBTQ+ Housing Task Force. (See New Business.)(See Fair and Affordable Housing Event above.)
      6. Public Health & Safety
      7. Pride Brunch
      8. Recruitment - Carolina has been leading the recruitment drive for new Commissioners. We should know by next month’s meeting who the new commissioners will be.
      9. Youth
    3. Old Business
      1. Election of Co-Chairs
    4. New Business
      1. Possible vote to endorse/support recommending the Housing Working Group recommendations to the LGBTQ+ Housing Task Force.
    5. Report from Rainbows Across Communities
    6. Public Comments / Announcements
    7. Next Commission Meeting: Thursday, May 23, 2024, 6-7:30pm, Hybrid.



To participate in public comment join our meeting at 51 Inman St. 2nd Floor or register for the meeting at: https://cambridgema.zoom.us/j/89723365868


For more information regarding Zoom technology visit: https://www.cambridgema.gov/Departments/citycouncil/zoomonlinemeetinginstructions

Page was posted on 12/29/2022 10:16 AM
Page was last modified on 4/25/2024 2:47 PM
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