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LGBTQ+ Youth Working Group



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Sarah Binney


LGBTQ+ Commission Youth Working Group Agenda



Location: virtual


Meeting Chair: Emmy Howe


  1. Call to order
  2. Assign minute taker
  3. Approve minutes from January 29th 2025
  4. Old Business
    1.  Follow up discussion of the YWG from before COVID. What has been done in the past for the youth group.
      • What challenges are they facing?
      • How inclusive are the schools?
      • Should we invite kids to our meeting or go to them?
      • Consider how best to interface with LGBTQ+ youth.
    2. Discussion of adding youth members to the commission
  5. New Business
  6. Next Meeting Date and Time
  7. Adjournment




Meeting ID: 851 6579 2829
Passcode: 534190

Page was posted on 3/10/2025 8:48 AM
Page was last modified on 3/10/2025 8:52 AM
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