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Rollin' & Summer Resources Event


Cambridge St. Upper School / King Open Community Complex 830 Cambridge St.

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Dept of Human Service Programs


Cambridge parents and caregivers can explore over 50 local summer camps, programs, and providers while enjoying tasty food and roller skating! Family and community resources, a live DJ, and activities for children will also be available.

From 1 - 2:30 p.m., priority families' needs will be centered and prioritized to provide them with additional attention, time, and space. Priority families include, but aren't limited to: families of color, families enrolled in public assistance programs, families who have a child with disabilities, families whose first language is not English, and families experiencing being unhoused.

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View the event flyer

Page was posted on 2/22/2024 9:45 AM
Page was last modified on 2/22/2024 9:51 AM
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