Removal of Public Shade Trees
City of Cambridge, Department of Public Works
Pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 87, Sections 3 and 4, a public hearing will be held on Tuesday, December 14th, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. on a Zoom webinar to consider the removal of the following public tree(s):
310 Vassar Street and Along Parking Lot to the East – Removal of 19 street trees (3 tree lilacs - 3.9”, 4.8”, 4.6”, and 16 Chinese elms - 7”, 9.3”, 6.7”, 6.4”, 6.5”, 7.1”, 7.2”, 7.7”, 6.1”, 6.6”, 6.9”, 8”, 6.6”, 6.6”, 6.2”, and 6.1”). The existing trees are in declining health due to improper installation and/or poor subsurface growing conditions. As part of MIT’s streetscape improvements associated with a new graduate dorm, MIT is committed to significantly improving the growing conditions under the sidewalk to allow the new streets trees to establish and thrive.
Register in advance for this webinar:
The tree(s) identified above have been posted for public inspection. Any objections to their removal must be submitted in writing to the City Arborist, prior to or during the hearing. The mailing address for the City Arborist is Department of Public Works, City of Cambridge, 147 Hampshire Street, Cambridge, MA 02139; phone: 617-349-6433 email: