Are you concerned about energy prices going up this winter? Do you want to learn how to save money on your energy bills while keeping cozy at home? Look no further!
The City of Cambridge’s partner, All in Energy, is hosting an informative webinar on energy efficiency and the NEW Mass Save® insulation incentives available to you!
Learn about:
- Weatherization incentives, including 75-100% off approved insulation upgrades. Recently updated to include 100% off the cost for: Rental units, 2-4 unit buildings when all units are insulated at same time, income-eligible households
- No-cost air sealing
- Rebates on high-efficiency appliances, heating and cooling equipment, including NEW increased incentives for heat pumps
- 0% financing opportunity through the Mass Save HEAT Loan program
Additional financial support for moderate income households
You will also learn how the insulation process works and how it increases the value of your home.
Please register in advance to attend. See you there!