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Mass Ave Partial Construction Project Open House


Lesley University, University Hall Atrium, 1815 Mass Ave 2nd floor (accessible by elevator)

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Linda Spencer


Mass Ave Partial Construction Project: Waterhouse Street to Linnaean Street


Construction Open House will be held on March 26 from 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM at the Lesley University Atrium. This will be a chance to see the design for this section of Mass Ave and learn more about what to expect during construction.  View the full flyer here.

Since 2022, the City has been planning separated bike lanes and other safety improvements on Mass Ave between Waterhouse Street and Alewife Brook Parkway. When complete, the project will include:

  • Separated bicycle facilities
  • Improved & additional crosswalks
  • Bus priority treatments
  • Specific areas for short-term
  • parking, loading & deliveries
  • Removal of median at most locations

Construction to remove the median on Mass Ave between Linnaean Street and Waterhouse Street will begin in early Spring.  Removing the median now will make construction easier and less disruptive for businesses, residents, and visitors. Some additional water work and other improvements will also be made. The design for this area was reviewed by the public in December 2023, and since then there have been no major changes.

Visit the project page at www.CambridgeMA.Gov/MassAvePartialConstruction.

What to Expect:

Spring: Public Open House March 26, Spring/Summer: Construction median removal begins, Fall/Winter: Median removal complete

The City of Cambridge does not discriminate on the basis of disability. The City will provide auxiliary aids and services, written materials in alternative format and responsible modifications in policies and procedures to qualified individuals with disabilities upon request given 48 hours in advance.


Page was posted on 3/5/2025 3:47 PM
Page was last modified on 3/24/2025 8:36 AM
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