Committee on Public Planting
Wednesday, December 13th, 2023
5:30-7:00 p.m.
Hybrid Meeting. Join us in person at 147 Hampshire Street or virtually through Zoom.
1. Meeting review for November and Linear Park Site Visit
2. Committee priorities for 2024
- Review of brainstorming session (November meeting) and summary of topics that were brought up by the committee.
- Introduction of the subcommittees and opportunities to sign up for the different working groups.
3. Updates from City Arborist
- Newsletter: timeline for email sign-up on website for Cambridge Urban Forest Friends newsletter?
- What are the implications of the state’s new Climate Plan on Cambridge’s Urban Forest?
4.. DCR 2023 Tree Stewards Training - quick recap and review of resources by Cindy Carpenter.
5. Closing
- Reminder: complete the State Ethics Training ASAP (email from Diane LeBlanc 10/26/23).
6. Public Comments