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Commonwealth of Massachusetts to Contract with Cambridge Hotel to House COVID-19 Individuals

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 4 years ago.

Marylou Sudders, the Secretary of Health and Human Services for Massachusetts, has notified the City of Cambridge that the Commonwealth is implementing contingency plans in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  As part of the preparation, the Commonwealth’s COVID-19 Command Center, including the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA), is securing temporary locations to house homeless individuals who test positive for COVID-19.

The Freepoint Hotel by Hilton, located at 220 Alewife Brook Parkway, has agreed to contract with the Commonwealth to serve as a temporary isolation hotel for individuals who are homeless and who have tested positive for COVID-19. The hotel has 121 rooms.

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has an agreement with the Massachusetts General Hospital, Beth Israel, and North Suffolk to provide the medical support and social services on-site.  MEMA will contract with security, cleaning services, and food service. The hotel will be used for COVID-19 positive homeless individuals. Transportation will be arranged to and from the location.

Question related to this initiative should be directed to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ Executive Office of Health and Human Services.

Page was posted on 4/10/2020 5:37 PM
Page was last modified on 7/25/2023 12:33 AM
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