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City of Cambridge to Advance to Phase III, Step 2 of Commonwealth's Reopening Plan on March 1, 2021, with Limited Exceptions

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 4 years ago.

The City of Cambridge announced today that, effective Monday, March 1, 2021, the City will advance with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to Phase III, Step 2 of the Commonwealth’s reopening plan, with limited exceptions. An Emergency Order issued by the City is prohibiting live musical performances at restaurants until further notice and delaying the opening of indoor performance venues until March 22, 2021. Prior to opening, indoor performance venues will also need approval from the City of Cambridge Inspectional Services Department.

Effective Monday, March 1, capacity limits across all sectors with capacity limits will be raised to 50 percent, excluding employees, and restaurants will no longer have a percent capacity limit. Restaurants in Cambridge will not be permitted to host live musical performances. They will be required to continue to enforce six-foot distance between tables, limit seating to six people per table, adhere to the maximum 90-minute time limit per table, and require that food be served with alcohol orders. As a reminder, restaurant customers may only remove face coverings in the actual act of eating and drinking. Face coverings are required at all other times while seated at tables and when wait staff are present at tables.  

Food court seating must remain closed during this phase of reopening.

The continued downward trend in COVID-19 metrics and the ongoing rollout of the Commonwealth’s vaccination plan allows the City of Cambridge to advance to Phase III, Step 2. While the economy continues to reopen, it remains critical for the public to continue to wear high-quality and properly fitting face masks, practice social distancing, regularly wash hands, and limit the size of gatherings with people outside their immediate household.  Additionally, current outdoor gatherings at private residences and in private backyards remain at a maximum of 25 people, with indoor gatherings at private residences remaining limited to 10 people.

Read full text of the City of Cambridge Temporary Emergency Order Advancing to Phase III, Step 2 the Commonwealth’s Reopening Plan with Certain Exceptions Issued on February 26, 2021.

Residents are reminded that the City of Cambridge provides free daily COVID-19 testing at various sites across the City.  Appointments for March and additional information about this program are available at www.cambridgema.gov/testing

For more information and to sign up to receive updates on COVID-19 and vaccine-related information, please visit the City’s dedicated information page: www.cambridgema.gov/covid19.

Page was posted on 2/26/2021 2:08 PM
Page was last modified on 7/25/2023 12:31 AM
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