The Cambridge Public Health Department (CPHD) will be vaccinating homebound residents once the vaccine is available from the state. Currently, CPHD is working with the Cambridge Housing Authority, Commission for Persons with Disabilities, Council on Aging, Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services, and other City departments to identify, screen, and register homebound individuals for their vaccines, and hopes to begin in-home vaccinations for those eligible sometime in April once provided with the vaccines for this program from the state.
The homebound vaccination program is for people who would not otherwise be able to receive the COVID-19 vaccine unless they receive it in their home. It does not include individuals who are temporarily homebound; and/or able to leave the home with adequate assistance; or those who would prefer to get a vaccine in their home.
The state has provided a clear definition of homebound individuals. CPHD is not making decisions regarding who is and is not eligible for homebound vaccinations but is following the state’s criteria and definition.
Definition for Homebound Vaccination Program
Homebound individuals are those who are not able to leave their home to get to a vaccination site without significant assistance. These individuals:
- Require an ambulance or two person assist to leave the home, OR
- Are not able to leave the home for medical appointments under normal circumstances, OR
- Have considerable difficulty and/or require significant support to leave the home for medical appointments
Examples of eligibility include those who: 1) are bedbound; 2) have significant cognitive or behavioral needs (dementia, panic disorder); 3) are frail and can barely leave home and require significant support to do so; 4) and, have significant, ongoing mobility issues who has trouble getting to the doctor.
Individuals DO NOT Meet the Definition for Homebound Vaccination Program
- Individuals who can access a vaccination site with transportation support, even if they prefer in-home vaccination
- Individuals who are short-term/ temporarily homebound
- Individuals who reside in a Long Term Care facility
Examples of ineligibility include individuals who: 1) fear leaving their home due to the virus; 2) have a broken leg; 3) have PCA / related supports but are able to leave their home with their support person; or , 4) can leave home for medical appointments but may be concerned about going to a vaccination site.
If you meet the definition for homebound, or know someone who does, please call the
Cambridge Council on Aging (CoA) at 617-349-6220. Please do not reach out if you do not meet the state’s definition.
In addition, unvaccinated household members who are currently eligible for vaccination based on the State’s overall vaccine phases may be vaccinated at the same time.
The following groups are currently eligible for vaccination:
Timeline for remaining groups:
- April 5th: Residents 55+ and residents with one certain medical condition
- April 19th: General public ages 16 years of age and older