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Did You Know?

Thursday, April 18, 2024

There are a number of affordable housing services, special events, and cost-assistance programs available through the City.

  • The City offers several programs supporting homeownership, including education and funding assistance for first-time homebuyers and funding for homeowners to complete needed home repairs and improvements.
  • Case managers at the Multi-Service Center host a weekly housing search workshop throughout the year.
  • The Housing Division offers a free, CHAPA-certified homebuyer workshop 10 months a year, featuring presentations on the homebuying process by City staff and local real estate professionals. In 2023, over 375 individuals completed the City’s first-time homebuyer workshop.
  • The City of Cambridge offers a comprehensive and coordinated response to housing and housing related concerns, from addressing homelessness to eviction prevention services and resources. Eviction prevention includes:
    • Financial Assistance for arrears
    • Housing Stabilization funding
    • Tenant/Landlord information and support
    • Outreach and Education
    • Referral to legal service partners
    • Intensive Field Based Case Management
  • The City of Cambridge offers down payment and closing cost assistance to income-eligible first-time homebuyers purchasing a home in Cambridge. Buyers may be eligible for assistance of up to 6% of the purchase price. This assistance is in the form of a forgivable loan.
A list of phone numbers and emails for various tenant resources.
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