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Cambridge’s 21st Century Broadband Initiative

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

The City of Cambridge has released the final report for its comprehensive year-long municipal broadband feasibility study, Municipal Broadband in Cambridge: Feasibility and Business Model Options. The report examines the feasibility of the City of Cambridge implementing a municipal fiber-to-the-premises (FTTP) service, providing a detailed FTTP design and cost estimate, and a range of business and financial models for building, operating, and providing service to all premises in Cambridge.

“We have the opportunity to build a gigabit-fiber network that will serve Cambridge for the next generation while protecting our values around data privacy, net neutrality, and digital equity. While there is still significant work to be done, this report will guide the City’s next steps in its broadband journey,” said City Manager Yi-An Huang.

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May 19, 2022

The City has launched a 21st Century Broadband initiative and hired nationally known CTC Technology & Energy (CTC) to conduct a feasibility study to help the City achieve its digital equity connectivity and Municipal Broadband goals. The yearlong Municipal Broadband feasibility study is well underway. CTC is conducting a baseline analysis; performing technical analysis and design; performing market analysis, financial analysis, developing business and City-ownership models; conducting stakeholder engagement; and generating a comprehensive report. Following the completion of the analysis of different business and city-ownership models, CTC will present to the City the benefits and drawbacks of each option in terms of costs, revenue, risk, and potential legal and regulatory issues of each model. In addition, CTC will assist the City in identifying the preferred model that best aligns with the City’s policy priorities.

This initiative is one of the identified strategies from the 2021 Digital Equity in Cambridge Report. The City commissioned report outlines the research findings from a comprehensive study examining digital equity gaps in our community, including broadband access, affordability, digital skills, and device ownership.

The FY23 Budget includes funding for a new full time Digital Equity Specialist and Broadband Project Manager. This position will assist in the development, outreach, research, analysis, project management, and implementation of the City’s digital equity and broadband initiatives.

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