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First City to Invest in Local Solar Using Contributions from Cambridge Community Electricity Program

Monday, November 21, 2022

Cambridge is the first city in Massachusetts to invest in a local solar project using contributions from its electricity aggregation program. A 540-panel installation added to Graham & Parks School in September was paid for and is collectively owned by the 41,000 customers of Cambridge Community Electricity (CCE) aggregation program. The 243kW solar installation is expected to generate 280,000kWhrs of electricity annually. Over its lifetime, the solar installation’s carbon-free electricity will reduce global warming emissions by over 4 million pounds, which is the equivalent of taking 426 cars off the road or planting over 32,000 trees.

The City is continuing to look for new ways to add more new renewable energy to the CCE program. Launched in 2017, CCE is a City-run program that provides Cambridge residents and businesses with an alternative to Eversource’s Basic Service for electricity supply. Since launching, participants have saved over $30 million on their electricity bills, while contributing to this local solar project. Residents and businesses can also opt-up to 100% renewable electricity through the CCE program.

For more information visit Masspowerchoice.com/cambridge.

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