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Cambridge Fire Department Brings Back In-House Fire Academy to Fill Vacancies More Quickly

Monday, November 21, 2022
In October, Cambridge Fire Department launched an intensive 11-week Cambridge Fire Academy, incorporating the principles of the Massachusetts State Fire Academy, but using its own certified fire instructors to enable more recruits to participate and to fill open positions 12 months sooner than normal.

Since 1980, Cambridge Fire Department has relied on the MA Fire Academy for new hires. This process takes 10 months and only allows six applicants per community.

Cambridge Fire Academy Recruit Class 2022-01 consists of daily fitness workouts followed by classroom and hands-on training. Twenty Cambridge Fire recruits have made it through an exhaustive background investigation process, passed medical exams, psychological exams, and Physical Ability Testing administered through the Commonwealth’s Human Resource Division.

Upon graduation in January 2023, recruits will be Firefighter I/II certified; they will have successfully completed Hazardous Materials Operational Level training, water rescue, First Responder training, live burn experience, amongst other training vital to their success as Cambridge Firefighters.

Learn how you can join Cambridge Fire Department.
Call 617-349-4921.
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