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25 Years of Sewer and Stormwater Infrastructure Investments Better Prepares City for Impacts of Climate Change

Monday, September 25, 2023
" For over 25 years, the City has implemented programs to address stormwater runoff. Adapting to climate change requires the use of important tools such as stormwater management. Green infrastructure not only mitigates floods but also improves water quality. "

Stormwater management is an important consideration for the City of Cambridge as it adapts to climate change. The City’s large amounts of impervious cover, such as paved streets and rooftops, means that rain does not always soak into the ground, but may flow over land and into local waterways, potentially causing pollution and flooding. 

To address these concerns, the city has invested over $500 million in sewer and stormwater infrastructure over the past 25 years and has developed programs to address both the volume and quality of stormwater runoff. These strategies include increasing stormwater storage, building green infrastructure, and continuing sewer separation projects. The City has built underground stormwater storage systems, is actively building more, and is evaluating street reconstruction projects and private redevelopment activities for opportunities to implement green infrastructure. The City is also collaborating with other organizations to develop plans that manage and potentially eliminate combined sewer overflows based on future climate projections. 

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