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Electrify Cambridge to Support Residents with All-electric Upgrades and Decarbonization Plans

Monday, September 25, 2023

This summer, the City of Cambridge launched Electrify Cambridge, a new program to support Cambridge residents with a wide range of clean, green, and all- electric home energy upgrades.

Electrify Cambridge provides no-cost advising by technical specialists on all measures that can electrify a home or residential building. Those measures include heat pumps, solar panels, weatherization, water heaters, induction stoves, electric vehicle chargers, and more.

Switching away from fossil fuels to clean, all- electric systems for our buildings is critical to achieving our climate goals, and Electrify Cambridge is designed to help decarbonize our buildings.

Residents can participate in this program by calling the Cambridge Energy Helpline at 617-430-6230 or visiting cambridgema.gov/electrify and will be able to schedule a free consultation with an Electrify Cambridge specialist at their convenience.

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