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Pay Equity Dashboard

This dashboard (beta) was created to display the City’s wage data in a transparent and easily accessible way so that anyone would have access to it. This project was part of the Pay Equity Initiative of former Mayor E. Denise Simmons. You can also view our Employee Demographic Dashboard (beta).

Note: This is a beta dashboard. Accordingly, users should exercise caution when interpreting differences across groups. This simple pay comparison tool does not control for factors such as hours worked, worker education levels, worker experience, worker tenure, worker department, and job-specific duties, among other variables, which may explain a significant portion of the observed differences in average salary. This dashboard will evolve overtime as the work of the Mayor's Pay Equity Initiative unfolds. The dashboard is not mobile responsive.

This dashboard was created as part of Cambridge's partnership with What Works Cities, a Bloomberg Philanthropies initiative.

Tips and FAQs

  • We have created this dashboard based on from data produced from the City’s PeopleSoft HR system—the same data used internally.
  • This dashboard is based on budgeted base wage data. It does not account for overtime, shift differentials, educational stipends, or other types of additional payments. 
  • To compare school department and City data, select report 2 using the arrows at the bottom of the dashboard. 
  • This dashboard allows users to compare pay between the following department groupings in Cambridge:

    • The Administration/Finance group comprises “general government” departments that maintain day-to-day government operations. Departments in this group include the City Manager’s Office, budget, personnel, finance, assessing, law, purchasing, auditing, the City Clerk, Information Technology Department, and several others.
    • The Boards/Commissions group includes City boards, commissions, and councils such as the human rights commission, license commission, election commission, arts council, peace commission, and historical commission.
    • The Community Development group represents the Community Development Department, which works to enhance Cambridge neighborhoods’ character, diversity, and sustainable economic growth.
    • The Human Services group represents the Department of Human Services Programs, which provides a range of educational and social services to residents.
    • The Library/Communications group includes both the Library Department and Cambridge Cable TV.
    • The Fire group represents the Fire Department.
    • The Police group represents the Police Department.
    • The Other Public Safety/Enforcement group includes Emergency Communications (911), Traffic and Parking, Inspectional Services Department, Animal Control, and Weights and Measures.
    • The Public Works/Infrastructure group includes the Department of Public Works, Water Department, and Electrical Department.
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