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Major Personnel Functions

Employment entails oversight of all hiring and recruitment processes to ensure that City positions are filled with qualified people of diverse backgrounds. Understanding and complying with statutory and contractual obligations, including civil service, screening and interviewing of candidates are all part of the employment process.

Compensation ensures that employees are paid fairly, while also ensuring that the City uses its financial resources well. Pay, reward and recognition, and workers' compensation comprise compensation.

Benefits, like Compensation, have a direct impact on employees' lives. Included in the Benefits function are health insurance, life insurance, disability insurance, flexible spending accounts, employee assistance programs, and tuition reimbursement.

Data Management maintains accurate records for employees and applicants. HRIS (Human Resources Information Systems) includes the computer systems to help keep accurate records, access information, and produce reports.

Labor Relations encompasses collective bargaining with unions and employee relations for unionized employees. For both the unionized and non-unionized workforce, Employee Relations works to ensure that employees are treated fairly and respectfully and that managers and supervisors have the tools and ability to oversee the work and job performance of their staff.

Training and Development
aims to ensure that employees in the workforce have the knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform well in their positions. It includes General Skills Development, Management and Supervisory Development, Health, Safety and Lifestyle courses and Technical Training, which is geared towards particular subject matter expertise. Organization Development includes working with groups of people to help them work together more effectively to meet business goals.

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Service Requests

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